Monday, 30 January 2017

Proof of Concept: The Development of the Representation of Women throughout Disney's Feature Animated Flims

1 comment:

  1. Hi Danielle,

    Okay - all sound enough ideas. All I'd say re. your 'big books' is that they're all specific to Disney representation, and I think these books are sitting inside some 'mothership' ideas that you need to go to first. So, Judith Butler's Gender Trouble - classic critique of gender, re-casting it as a cultural performance reinforced by prevalent ideology - I suspect many of the writings re. Disney representation of women will be drawing on these ideas. You should look at Nancy Chodorow too:

    As Disney draws on the folklore/fairy tale traditions (which are patterned after recurrent ideas as to the roles of mothers/daughters/step-mothers/marriage etc) you need to look at Vladimir Propp and his analysis of tropes in fairy stories, and also the works of Marina Warner - for example, From the Beast To The Blonde.

    Personally speaking, I'm a bit more interested in Disney's female villains and what they tell us about representation and gender, as Disney Princesses tend to get written about a lot....
