Thursday, 9 November 2017

Minor/Major: Tree Animatic (No Sound)

Sounds to be added shortly


  1. Hi Danielle. I noticed that you popped in for your tutorial and then popped out again. I came out to find you but you'd gone. It was Phil sitting in the office. In future you can always knock on the door.

  2. In terms of your animatic - Great. I like what you've done in this one. It has very good structure and timing. Excellent.

  3. Overall, I like where you're heading in this project. I like the character designs and the animatics. It all seems very positive and well thought out tonally speaking. My only caveat would be around future technical challenges. The rubber hose style is a bit more challenging in terms of rigging. You may want to look up (to include in your crit presentation) rigging using 'ribbons'. Its the same as you did for the spine / lips last year in pipeline 1 except you create ribbons for the arms and legs too.

    1. Hi Alan, Thank you I'll take a look and do some experimenting with rigging rubber hose animation in maya

      Sorry for missing the tutorial I didn't realise it was Phil I didn't want to disturb you, I'll knock in future :)
