Monday 20 February 2017

Critical Perspectives: Dissertation Proposal OGR


  1. This is a well trodden subject and you are approaching it in a very generalised way- the chapter outlines show some lack of clarity in the logic and presentation of your ideas that you must work on
    Chapter 2 you really need to put your ideas into a theoretical tradition/context- start with john Berger Ways of Seeing- look at Gaze Theory and Laura Mulvey- Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema read around this subject in relation to film history/theory and visual culture ……then you can talk about Judith Butler- who is really saying that gender is too complex to represent as a simple binary code.
    Therefore you must also have as a backdrop– political context- feminism for example particularly
    Read Women, Art and Power by Linda Nochlin.
    Read Practices of Looking: an introduction to visual culture by Marita Sturken to learn more about gender stereotyping and ideology behind how gender is constructed in representation. Make sure you define and show knowledge and understanding of these themes and terms.
    Chapter 3 avoid discussing too many films- this will dilute your discussion perhaps 2 to compare and contrast- what about film theory and the history of animation – how have discussion around these subjects evolved in these realms- with Betty Boop, Jessica Rabbit for example.
    - oh and please put Disney into context- ( social and political context)- the time period the films are made in will tell you a lot about how gender is represented- how does Disney’s vison as a maker of animation effect the end product???
    There is a lack of critical questioning at present that you must address- is this theory slightly old fashioned- how has discussion around the gaze moved on- men are now also objectified

  2. Chapter 1 - establishing the idea of archetypes/universal binaries etc... Vladimir Propp (Morphology of the Folk Tale), Levi-Stauss (The Raw & The Cooked) and Marina Warner (The Beast & The Blonde), Carl Jung (Archetypes)....

    Chapter 3 - consider tracking changes in the same story being adapted at different times - so Sleeping Beauty as your exemplar, moving from original text to postmodern re-telling (Malicifent).

    Just consider the ways in which 'Gaze Theory' might be itself critiqued in terms of it representing a certain kind of 'time and place' that has since been challenged or outmoded.

    In terms of Chapter 2, Nancy Chodorow - i.e. mothering and domesticity.

    1. So - Propp, Strauss, Jung = structuralist approaches (i.e. seeking universal, fixed structures organising the stories etc) - Butler, for example is a post-structuralist, seeking to make a problem out of binary systems...
